My Square Mile: Reflection Post Tutor Review

While I will keep the detailed comments private overall the feedback was positive and the recommendation was made to move on to Assignment Number Two.  I am satisfied about this as it has given me a benchmark for where I think I am and what is the expected standard.

The tutor was pleased with the thoughtful approach to the subject resulting in strong images showing solid compositional techniques.  However it was felt that while some of the images were strong standalone images they may not sit well in the context of the theme.   The issue that was highlighted was they did not explore my personal feelings as much as others, an example being Mountain Backdrop.  While from a personal point of view I was pleased with the seeing, execution and final image I do (in reflection now) see the point the tutor is drawing to my attention.  For me excellent feedback which I take all on board as part of the learning process.

At some point I might replace the ‘weaker’ images by either looking at the contact sheets for substitutes, or going out and re-exploring the Square Mile.  I would not necessarily rush out and retake because for me the original sequence represents my real time exploration of the area which cannot be repeated.  My view is substituting would break that flow however I will keep an open mind.


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